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  • Dubai
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  • Open Jobs – 1 the Uber of maids was founded in Dubai in 2009 with the aim of revolutionizing the home care industry by leveraging the power of technology With over 10,000 employees...


  • Damascus
  • Engineering and Architecture
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  • Open Jobs – 1
Archgroup was established in 2003 by a group of enthusiastic architects in Damascus Syria led by Architect Jamil Al Shaar from there the mission began ascending steadily field of expertise...

City Of Jasmine

  • Damascus
  • Hospitality and Tourism
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  • Open Jobs – 2
The City of Jasmine Hotel ,which opened in 2022  is a modern hotel located in the heart of Damascus  the capital city of Syria The hotel got its name from...

Grow More

  • Dubai
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  • Open Jobs – 1

Swess Home App

  • Damascus
  • Accounting / Finance
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  • Open Jobs – 1
Swess Home is a real estate application that covers real estate in Damascus and its countryside  The application allows agents to advertise their properties and ensures that you get the...

Etikal Company

  • Damascus
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  • Open Jobs – 1
شركة تجارية لها عدة تفرعات غذائية والبسة مكتب مرن 

Faster Capital

  • Damascus
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  • Open Jobs – 2
نحن حاضنة أعمال تقدم خدمات التطوير التقني وتطوير الأعمال للشركات الناشئة والشركات الكبيرة


  • Damascus
  • Media
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  • Open Jobs – 2
خدمة زبائن و سوشال ميديا


  • Damascus
  • Marketing
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  • Open Jobs – 1
تطبيق مشوار دليل للترفيه ضمن سوريا نحن فريق شبابي سوري مهمتنا جمع وتصنيف ومن ثم عرض الأماكن الترفيهية المميزة  

Palm Village

  • Damascus
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  • Open Jobs – 3
القرية سكنية يوجد فيها 48 فيلا وفيها قسم فيه كافة الخدمات الترفيهية
Showing 1 - 10 of 176